
What We Can Do For You

Shepherd Care’s specialty is People Services. This is done through consulting, seminars, training initiatives, crisis and stress management, and human resource support. We have designed to supply resources and information to encourage individuals, churches, and business employees. Unlike traditional Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s), Shepherd Care’s Employee Assistance Care (EAC) Program is more than a refrigerator magnet.

Statistically, the EAP programs are only used by a small percentage of staff. Shepherd Care’s EAC program interacts with your employees and staff on a personal basis. Whether it is a critical incident, a weekly or a monthly site visit, or simply the monthly distribution of a care topic, the designated Chaplain is a real person that the employees can confidentially connect with. The chaplains can provide statistic call tracking to Human Resources while maintaining confidentiality of those participating in EAC services. (Please contact Administrator for pricing.)

Shepherd Care offers several Tiers of Service for our Employee Assistance Care (EAC) Programs:

17airmail•Tier 1  Monthly Care Topic Email – Topics include Stress Management, Respectful Workplace, etc. Email to all employees or to only one company contact. The topic could then be distributed in email or paper formats. By subscribing to the Care Tool Box you will receive access to dozens of Care Topics for distribution and use for everyone, including Human Resource Managers, Pastors, Chaplains, and Supervisors. $10.00 annual fee.

14paper&pen•Tier 2  Seminars – Topics include Stress Management & Healthy Family Life as well as customized topics by request. Each seminar lasts approximately 1 hour and abbreviated “Lunch Box” versions are also available.

1cache•Tier 3  Critical Incident Response – In addition we would be On retainer for our Chaplain On Call Service.

1aim_protocol•Tier 4  Monthly site visits to your organization by a Chaplain; Available for On Call Service for entire month.

12cross_button•Tier 5  Weekly site visits to organization by a Chaplain; Available for On Call Service for entire week, each per month.

3CommunityHelp•Tier 6  Custom Training and Counseling Programs. These include family plans, church-wide support plans, resident service plans, etc.

*Note: Each added Tier includes the services in the Tier before it.
* Please contact Shepherd Care Administrator for service pricing.
  • Chaplain Care Services 

Description: pricing varies for number of employees and the services required. Contact Shepherd Care for more information.

Description: Access to dozens of Care Topics for distribution and use for Human Resource Managers, Pastors, Chaplains, and Supervisors.